歐陽長風 Chang-Feng Ou-Yang
- Dr. Ou-Yang, C.F.
Associate Project Researcher of Dept. Atmospheric Sciences, National Central Unversity
Phone: (03) 4227151 ext 65543
Fax: (03) 4223360
Email: [email protected]
- 中央大學化學系博士
- Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, National Central University.
Research Areas:
- 大氣化學
- 分析化學
- 溫室氣體
- 環境監測技術
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Greenhouse Gases
- Environmental Monitoring Techniques
Experiences :
- August 2016 - Present
Assistant Research Scholar, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University.
- May - August 2015
Visiting Research Scientist, NOAA/ESRL/GMD.
- May 2011 - July 2016
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University
- September 2010 - April 2011
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, National Central University.
- Ou-Yang, C.F., H.C. Hua, Y.C. Chou, M.K. Teng, W.T. Liu, J.L. Wang (2017), Two-dimensional gas chromatography with electron capture detection for the analysis of atmospheric ozone depleting halocarbons. J. Chromatogr. A, In press. (SCI)
- Hsieh, H.C., C.F. Ou-Yang, J.L. Wang (2016), Revelation of coupling biogenic with anthropogenic isoprene by highly time-resolved observation. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 17, 721-729. (SCI)
- Ou-Yang, C.F., Y.X. Huang, T.J. Huang, Y.S. Chen, C.H. Wang, J.L. Wang (2016), Characterization of thermal desorption with the heart-cut technique in gas chromatographic analysis of volatile organic compounds. J. Chromatogr. A, 1462, 107-114. (SCI)
- Ou-Yang, C.F., W.C. Liao, P.C. Wang, G.J. Fan, C.C. Hsiao, M.T. Chuang, C.C. Chang, N.H. Lin, J.L. Wang (2016), Construction of a cryogen-free thermal desorption gas chromatographic system with off-the-shelf components for monitoring ambient volatile organic compounds. J. Sep. Sci., 39, 1489-1499. (SCI)
- Laube, J. N. Mohd Hanif, P. Martinerie, E. Gallacher, P. Fraser, R. Langenfelds, C. Brenninkmeijer, J. Schwander, E. Witrant, J.L. Wang, C.F. Ou-Yang, L. Gooch, C. Reeves, W. Sturges, and D. Oram (2016), Tropospheric observations of CFC-114 and CFC-114a with a focus on long-term trends and emissions. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 15347-15358. (SCI)
- Sayer, A.M., N.C. Hsu, T.C. Hsiao, P. Pantina, F. Kuo, C.F. Ou-Yang, B.N. Holben, S. Janjai, S. Chantara, S.H. Wang, A.M. Loftus, N.H. Lin, S.C. Tsay (2016), In-situ and remotely-sensed observations of biomass burning aerosols at Doi Ang Khang, Thailand during 7-SEAS/BASELInE 2015. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 16, 2786-2801. (SCI)
- Pantina, P., S.C. Tsay, T.C. Hsiao, A.M. Loftus, F. Kuo, C.F. Ou-Yang, A.M. Sayer, S.H. Wang, N.H. Lin, N.C. Hsu, S. Janjai, S. Chantara, A.X. Nguyen (2016), COMMIT in 7-SEAS/BASELInE: Operation of and observations from a novel, mobile laboratory for measuring in-situ properties of aerosols and gases. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 16, 2728-2741. (SCI)
- Chi, K.H., N.T. Hung, C.Y. Lin, S.H. Wang, C.F. Ou-Yang, C.T. Lee, N.H. Lin (2016), Evaluation of atmospheric PCDD/Fs at two high-altitude stations in Vietnam and Taiwan during Southeast Asia biomass burning. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 16, 2706-2715. (SCI)
- Nguyen, D.L., K. Kawamura, K. Ono, S.S. Ram, G. Engling, C.T. Lee, N.H. Lin, S.C. Chang, M.T. Chuang, T.C. Hsiao, G.R. Sheu, C.F. Ou Yang, K.H. Chi, S.A. Sun (2016), Comprehensive PM2.5 organic molecular composition and stable carbon isotope ratios of biomass burning smoke at Sonla, Vietnam: Fingerprint of biomass burning components. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 16, 2618-2634. (SCI)
- Lee, C.T., S.S. Ram, D.L. Nguyen, C.C.K. Chou, S.Y. Chang, N.H. Lin, S.C. Chang, T.C. Hsiao, G.R. Sheu, C.F. Ou-Yang, K.H. Chi, S.H. Wang, X.C. Wu (2016), Aerosol chemical profile of near-source biomass burning smoke in Sonla, Vietnam during 7-SEAS campaigns in 2012 and 2013. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 16, 2603-2617. (SCI)
- Ou-Yang, C.F., N.H. Lin, J.L. Wang, S.C. Chang, R.C. Schnell (2016), Recent progress on greenhouse gas measurements at Mt. Lulin and Dongsha Island, Taiwan. Asia-Pacific GAW Greenhouse Gases Newsletter, 7, 13-15.
- Ou-Yang, C.F., M.C. Yen, T.H. Lin, J.L. Wang, R.C. Schnell, P.M. Lang, S. Chantara, N.H. Lin (2015), Impact of equatorial and continental airflow on primary greenhouse gases in the northern South China Sea. Environ. Res. Lett., 10, 065005. (SCI)
- Ou-Yang, C.F., C.C. Chang, S.P. Chen, C. Chew, B.R. Lee, C.Y. Chang, S.A. Montzka, G.S. Dutton, J.H. Butler, J.W. Elkins, J.L. Wang (2015), Changes in the levels and variability of halocarbons and the compliance with the Montreal Protocol from an urban view. Chemosphere, 138, 438-446. (SCI)
- Vollmer, M.K., M. Rigby, J.C. Laube, S. Henne, T.S. Rhee, L.J. Gooch, A. Wenger, D. Young, L.P. Steele, R.L. Langenfelds, C.A.M. Brenninkmeijer, J.L. Wang, C.F. Ou-Yang, S.A. Wyss, M. Hill, D.E. Oram, P.B. Krummel, F. Schoenenberger, C. Zellweger, P.J. Fraser, W.T. Sturges, S. O’Doherty, S. Reimann (2015), Abrupt reversal in emissions and atmospheric abundance of HCFC-133a (CF3CH2Cl). Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 8702-8710. (SCI)
- Ou-Yang, C.F., N.H. Lin, C.C. Lin, S.H. Wang, G.R. Sheu, C.T. Lee, R.C. Schnell, P.M. Lang, T. Kawasato, J.L. Wang (2014), Characteristics of atmospheric carbon monoxide at a high-mountain background station in East Asia. Atmos. Environ., 89, 613-622. (SCI)
- Liu, W.T., S.P. Chen, C.C. Chang, C.F. Ou-Yang, W.C. Liao, Y.C. Su, Y.C. Wu, C.H. Wang, J.L. Wang (2014), Assessment of carbon monoxide (CO) adjusted non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) emissions of a motor fleet - A long tunnel study. Atmos. Environ., 89, 403-414. (SCI)
- Chen, S.P., W.T. Liu, C.F. Ou-Yang, J.S. Chang, J.L. Wang (2014), Optimizing the emission inventory of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) based on network observations. Atmos. Environ., 84, 1-8. (SCI)
- Ou-Yang, C.F., H.C. Hsieh, S.H. Wang, N.H. Lin, C.T. Lee, G.R. Sheu, J.L. Wang (2013), Influence of Asian continental outflow on the regional background ozone level in northern South China Sea. Atmos. Environ., 78, 144-153. (SCI)
- Ou-Yang, C.F., J.Y. Liu, H.M. Kao, J.H. Wang, S.P. Liu, J.L. Wang (2013), Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using porous material MCM-41 as a sorbent. Anal. Methods, 5, 6874-6880. (SCI)
- J.L. Wang, G. Jacobson, C. W. Rella, C.Y. Chang, I. Liu, W.T. Liu, C. Chew, C.F. Ou-Yang, W.C. Liao, and C.C. Chang (2013), Flask sample measurements for CO2, CH4 and CO using cavity ring-down spectrometry. Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 6, 7633-7657.
- Lin, N.H., S.C. Tsay, J.S. Reid, M.C. Yen, G.R. Sheu, S.H. Wang, K.H. Chi, M.T. Chuang, C.F. Ou-Yang, J.S. Fu, C.T. Lee, L.C. Wang, J.L. Wang, C.N. Hsu, B.N. Holben, Y.C. Chu, H. Maring, N.X. Anh, K. Sopajaree, S.J. Chen, M.T. Cheng, B.J. Tsuang, C.J. Tsair, C.M. Peng, C.T. Chang, K.S. Lin, Y.I. Tsai, W.J. Lee, S.C. Chang, J.J. Liu, W.L. Chiang (2013), An overview of regional experiments on biomass burning aerosols and related pollutants in Southeast Asia: From BASE-ASIA and Dongsha Experiment to 7-SEAS. Atmos. Environ., 78, 1-19. (SCI)
- Cheng, F.Y., Z.M. Yang, C.F. Ou-Yang, F. Ngan (2013), A numerical study of the dependence of long-range transport of CO to a mountain station in Taiwan on synoptic weather patterns during the Southeast Asia biomass-burning season. Atmos. Environ., 78, 277-290. (SCI)
- Sheu, G.R., N.H. Lin, C.T. Lee, J.L. Wang, M.T. Chuang, S.H. Wang, K.H. Chi, C.F. Ou-Yang (2013), Distribution of atmospheric mercury in northern Southeast Asia and South China Sea during Dongsha Experiment. Atmos. Environ., 78, 174-183. (SCI)
- Chi, K.H., C.Y. Lin, C.F. Ou Yang, S.C. Hsu, Y.F. Chen, S. Luo, S.J. Kao (2013), Evaluation of environmental fate and sinks of PCDD/Fs during specific extreme weather events in Taiwan. J. Asian Earth Sci., 77, 268-280. (SCI)
- Liao, W.C., C.F. Ou-Yang, C.H. Wang, C.C. Chang, J.L. Wang (2013), Two-dimensional gas chromatographic analysis of ambient light hydrocarbons. J. Chromatogr. A, 1294, 122-129. (SCI)
- Ou-Yang, C.F., N.H. Lin, J.L. Wang, G.R. Sheu (2013), Preliminary results of greenhouse gases observed at Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS), Taiwan. Asia-Pacific GAW Greenhouse Gases Newsletter, 4, 22-25.
- Ou Yang, C.F., N.H. Lin, G.R. Sheu, C.T. Lee, J.L. Wang (2012), Seasonal and diurnal variations of ozone at a high-altitude mountain baseline station in East Asia. Atmos. Environ., 46, 279-288. (SCI)
- Ou-Yang, C.F., H.C. Hua, Y.C. Chou, M.K. Teng, W.T. Liu, J.L. Wang (2017) Two-dimensional gas chromatography for the analysis of atmospheric ozone depleting halocarbons. J. Chromatogr. A, In revision. (SCI)
- Chi, K.H., S.H. Wang, C.F. Ou-Yang, C.Y. Lin, C.T. Li, C.T. Lee, N.H. Lin (2016), PCDD/F measurement at three high-altitude stations in East Asia: Source apportionment of PCDD/Fs during the Southeast Asia biomass burning event. Submitted to Environ. Sci. Technol. (SCI)
- Oram, D.E., M.J. Ashfold, J. Laube, L. Gooch, W.T. Sturges, E. Leedham-Elvidge, G. Forster, M.I. Mead, A.A. Samah, S.M. Phang, C.F. Ou-Yang, N.H. Lin, J.L. Wang, A.K. Baker, C. Brenninkmeijer (2016), Emissions of short-lived chlorocarbons from East Asia could delay the recovery of stratospheric ozone. Submitted to Nature. (SCI)
- Wang, S.H., N.H. Lin, C.F. OuYang, J.L. Wang, J.R. Campbell, C.M. Peng, C.T. Lee, G.R. Sheu, S.C. Tsay, (2010), Impact of Asian dust and continental pollutants on cloud chemistry observed in northern Taiwan during the experimental period of ABC/EAREX 2005. J. Geophys. Res., 115, doi:10.1029/2009jd013692. (SCI)
- Sheu, G.R., N.H. Lin, J.L. Wang, C.T. Lee, C.F. Ou Yang, S.H. Wang, (2010), Temporal distribution and potential sources of atmospheric mercury measured at a high-elevation background station in Taiwan. Atmos. Environ., 44, 2393-2400. (SCI)
- Chen, S.P., T.H. Liu, T.F. Chen, C.F. Ou Yang, J.L. Wang, J.S. Chang (2010), Diagnostic modeling of PAMS VOC observation. Environ. Sci. Technol., 44, 4635-4644. (SCI)
- Chi, K.H., C.Y. Lin, C.F. OuYang, J.L. Wang, N.H. Lin, G.R. Sheu, C.T. Lee (2010), PCDD/F Measurement at a high-altitude station in central Taiwan: Evaluation of long-range transport of PCDD/Fs during the southeast Asia biomass burning event. Environ. Sci. Technol., 44, 2954-2960. (SCI)
- Chang, C.C., C.F. OuYang, C.H. Wang, S.W. Chiang, J.L. Wang (2010), Validation of in-situ measurements of volatile organic compounds through flask sampling and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. Atmos. Environ., 44, 1301-1307. (SCI)
- Ou Yang, C.F., Y.C. Lin, N.H. Lin, C.T. Lee, G.R. Sheu, S.H. Kam, J.L. Wang (2009), Inter-comparison of three instruments for measuring regional background carbon monoxide. Atmos. Environ., 43, 6449-6453. (SCI)
- Ou Yang, C.F., S.H. Kam, J.R. Tzou, J.L. Wang (2009), Assessment of removal efficiency of perfluorocompounds in a semiconductor fabrication plant by gas chromatography. Chemosphere, 76, 1273-1277. (SCI)
- 歐陽長風,王家麟,林能暉 (2008) ,「低濃度一氧化碳氣相層析自動監測方法之建構」,中華民國環境保護學會學刊,第30期,96-104頁。
- 王介亨,歐陽長風,王家麟 (2008) ,「氣相層析技術應用於空氣汙染物分析」,科儀新知,第29期,61-72頁。
- 王家麟,歐陽長風,甘錫鴻 (2007) ,「氣態全氟化物的環境衝擊與排放監測方法」,環境工程會刊,第18期,36-46頁。
- Tanimoto, H., H. Mukai, Y. Sawa, H. Matsueda, S. Yonemura, T. Wang, S. Poon, A. Wong, G. Lee, J.Y. Jung, K.R. Kim, M.H. Lee, N.H. Lin, J.L. Wang, C.F. Ou-Yang, C.F. Wu, H. Akimoto, P. Pochanart, K. Tsuboi, H. Doi, C. Zellweger, J. Klausen (2007), Direct assessment of international consistency of standards for ground-level ozone: strategy and implementation toward metrological traceability network in Asia. J. Environ. Monit., 9, 1183-1193. (SCI)
- Tanimoto, H., Y. Sawa, H. Matsueda, A. Wada, S. Yonemura, H. Mukai, T. Wang, S. Poon, A. Wong, G. Lee, J.Y. Jung, K.R. Kim, M.H. Lee, N.H. Lin, J.L. Wang, C.F. Ou-Yang, C.F. Wu (2007), Evaluation of standards and methods for continuous measurements of carbon monoxide at ground-based sites in Asia. Paper. Meteorol. Geophys., 58, 85-93.